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Eat all you want & still lose weight

Medifast Diet

Eat everything you want and still lose weight

It is possible to lose weight and still eat whatever you like. It will not happen on its own and there is a price to be paid, but it can be done. At this site you can get ideas for techniques and weight loss aids to help you do just that.

Appetite Suppressants

Some might find it strange that on a website name, "Eat All You Want," there is discussion about appetite suppressants, but it actually makes complete sense. While there are some who will choose not to take any form of appetite suppressant, reducing your appetite is one way to lose weight while eating all you want. It is true that the goal when using an appetite reducing supplement is to reduce the amount you eat, but if it is all you want then you are still eating all you want.

Carbohydrate & Fat Blockers

fat blocker txt

Metabolism Enhancers

Fun Activities that Can Help You Lose Weight

Take a brisk 2 mile walk each day. Be sure and mix up the scenery every now and then to keep things interesting. You may even hit gold by talking a friend or family member into sharing this healthy daily routine with you.

Consider taking a Yoga or fitness class.

Go swimming a couple of times a week.

Get closely acquainted with your local roller skating rink and skate your way to thinness.


Invest in a bicycle. Touring the Great Outdoors is eons more fun than a stationary bike. You'll be less apt to fall off of the Exercise Wagon.

Dancing is fantastic exercise!

Grow a garden or spruce up your yard.

Any hobby will take your mind off of eating and throw it onto creativity.